The snow structure that a few of us in Brown (led by my roommate, pictured) constructed on Friday night as the snow was still falling. It was going to be bigger but we called it quits around 3 am.

Main Street on Saturday afternoon as I walked home.

Two dogs in the snow on the Downtown Mall Saturday.

Me, in my traveling gear.

A tree in a field.

The tree again.

A sprig of grass through the 20-ish inches of snow.

The tree again. I like this tree.

The tree, more artistic-like.

The road into my subdivision.

The house.

Snow on the roof.

My gingerbread house, evil side. The other side is rather normal and unassuming.

Pedobear. In cookie form. I'm rather pleased with how it came out.

A tunnel through a mound of snow. 'Twas mad fun to dig.

Myself, jumping off of said mound of snow.